Daily Archives: February 16, 2009

Everyone’s 2nd favourite discussion point…

OK, everyone is currently talking about Twitter. But close behind on everyone’s radar is the Swedish music service, Spotify.


1) …is brilliant.
2) …is virally spreading like wildfire which is great news for both the music industry & the fans
3) …’s subscriptions model is good, but from my brief research (conversations), very few are opting for the paid model
4) …have only one (mightily annoying) advertiser (the energy saving trust) and their own subs advertising
5) …will be taking an enormous financial hit at the moment to pay the artists for use of their music
6) …will need to get more advertisers on board quickly, otherwise they could face a real problem…

I really hope that Spotify proves to be a success, however, unless they get some advertisers on board they’ll face some serious funding issues.

Twitter – Live Wine Tasting

Mooooore Twitter. Sorry. But this is cool, I think. Essentially, you sign up online at twittertastelive.com a wine is selected which you purchase and then drink with friends at the designated event time while Tweeting with other tasters your questions, opinions and such like. An interesting platform that could be used for lots of similar types of activities

Full story here

15 ‘Men’ vs. ‘Women’ gaming myth busters

A selection of article put together by the lovely people at ‘Business & Games: The Blog’ filled with great stats on games usage by men / women / other.

Putting your brand in the hands of bloggers

Quite an interesting idea. Cheetos, the cheesy snack gobblet, is sponsoring seven blogs in a sizable ad buy through Federated Media for its Cheetos brand, including the flagship tech/culture blog Boing Boing, several Next New Network channels, tech-news website Mashable, Makezine and Outblush.

But here’s where it gets interesting: Cheetos is asking the bloggers themselves to create sponsored content integrating the brand, over which Cheetos and its ad agencies, Omnicom Group’s Goodby, Silverstein & Partners and OMD, will have no creative control.

More here

Wannabe furniture..

Love this simple concept
